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Amara Salvatore
Amara Salvatore
❥ Army: ❥ Army: : x x x
×Sex ×Sex : Female
×Gold ×Gold : 105
xSilver xSilver : 713
×Reputation ×Reputation : 1
❥×Enrolment Date : 2024-05-18
×Age ×Age : 34
×Location ×Location : top secret
×Mood ×Mood : x x x
^<V Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:36 am

^<V K7hATr1
^ Răspunde la întrebarea persoanei dinaintea ta .
< Spune ceva despre tine .
v Pune o întrebare .

^ lalala.
< Am o relatie serioasa si sunt indragostita pana peste cap de iubitul meu
v care e ce mai mare temere a ta si de ce?

PS: Nu uitati ca e vorba de PERSONAJ. Deci ce trebuie spus despre el de la "<" trebuie sa fie o informatie despre personaj, nu despre voi. Si la fel si intrebarea de la "v" e despre personaj, asa ca raspundeti cum ar raspunde personajul nu voi.

Have fun guys batting eyelashes

af4854ce56f54c130774157aa5aba49f42e5ed6c.jpg 8a16d7e262e2ea5de54ebe7c6f787912517c089e.jpg 3663bc066d46c26d77b4daaeabf3218764edd11e.jpg
Isabelle Dupont
Isabelle Dupont
×Sex ×Sex : Female
×Gold ×Gold : 55
xSilver xSilver : 239
×Reputation ×Reputation : 1
❥×Enrolment Date : 2024-05-24
×Age ×Age : 16
×Location ×Location : Paris
Re: ^<V Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:24 am

~Am inceput sa devin cea mai bună prietenă a lui Invader Lamu
~Care este mancarea ta favorita? 
Yeva Petrov
Yeva Petrov
×Sex ×Sex : Female
×Gold ×Gold : 20
xSilver xSilver : 69
×Reputation ×Reputation : 1
❥×Enrolment Date : 2024-06-12
×Location ×Location : x x x
Re: ^<V Mon Sep 09, 2024 11:17 pm

trebuia sa raspunzi mai intai la intrebarea mea...in fine...

^ cartofi prajiti cu carne
< incepe sa mi se aprinda calcaiele dupa un baiat cu care prietena mea cea mai buna incearca sa ma cupleze
V crezi in destin?

4cc5c053f2a9820c15eb17e3828cbea037357ade.pnj 256ba19e0f70988fc147083ebc8eab1c805705e6.pnj 131b259c8888bf2525a8e24689983bebd18c4634.pnj
Miruna Stroescu
Miruna Stroescu
×Sex ×Sex : Female
×Gold ×Gold : 20
xSilver xSilver : 68
×Reputation ×Reputation : 1
❥×Enrolment Date : 2024-08-24
×Location ×Location : Manhaton
Re: ^<V Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:39 pm

~Da, cred in destin si in sincronicitati. Nimic in viata nu este intamplator. Aceasta este divizia mea.
¬Crezi in iubire la prima vedere? 
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