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하얀 거탑

❥ Army: ❥ Army: : ❥Falun Gong, Reiki & Qigong
×Sex ×Sex : Female
×Gold ×Gold : 21485
xSilver xSilver : 1629
×Reputation ×Reputation : 37
❥×Enrolment Date : 2020-03-16
×Age ×Age : 17
×Location ×Location : ❥ Aldebaran
×Mood ×Mood : ❥ 幸せな猫
하얀 거탑 Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:07 pm

[size=undefined]하얀 거탑  WhiteTower

[size=undefined][size=undefined]White Tower [/size]aka[size=undefined] Behind The White Tower[/size]
[/size][size=undefined]하얀 거탑
MBC (2007) 20 Episodes
Medical Melodrama, Grade: A
Korean Drama Review by Jill, USA
Re-watched Early 2019 After It Was Remastered


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A big ratings' hit medical drama without a drop of typical K-drama sappy romance in it, White Tower (2007) aka Behind The White Tower, broke the mold for Korean dramas in many ways, shattering old stereotypes that a drama couldn't be a hit without a young couple's romance as the cornerstone of the story. This is a drama for older, more savvy viewers who are yearning for entertainment that satisfies their intelligence and mature worldviews.

We go inside a busy city university hospital and watch various doctors dealing with patients and their families (sometimes reacting to them well, other times not so well), complicated surgeries, medical research, and most fascinating, their relationships with each other, often as competitors. When the president of the hospital decides to retire the drama heats up as we see what several doctors are capable of doing for personal ambition, to take his head position after he leaves. Sometimes it's not very pretty. The man has a shrewd head on his shoulders and isn't about to make the most obvious choice just because it's expected of him. His decision making process keeps the audience on their toes mentally.

하얀 거탑  Erie
하얀 거탑
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